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Subscribe to an RSS feed on Windows using Raven

Suchitra Giri
3 min readFeb 7, 2022


You will need

In this guide, you don’t need anything to start and follow along with me. Just one thing you have to do is bear with me and always be curious to learn new things as much as you can.

Step By Step Guide

Step 1: Go to the raven website and sign in with your credentials.

Use your email ID and password for login and if you are a first-time user then signup through your email or google account.

Step 2: After signing in you will see three options for downloading the app “window”, “mac” and “Linux”.

Note: if you don’t want to download the app, you can use it in the web browser as well.

This guide is for the Windows system, so in this, we will demonstrate in Windows system, as you can follow with another system as well.

Choose the “window” option and download your app.

Step 3: Now Open the desktop app and you will find this kind of interface.

So, before doing anything, first, we know we want the RSS feed link so that we can subscribe and get notified through “raven”

To subscribe to any articles, news, or any RSS feed 1st we have to visit that page or website and “right-click” on that particular page, then we will find the “view the source code” option click that, and then press “Ctrl + F” for searching “RSS”.

After that, we will be finding some RSS feed links, just copy that.

Step 5: Subscribe to the RSS feed of your favorite articles/authors/news/website etc.

Go to desktop or web app and press the “+” icon and paste that link to your “raven” subscription section

“On” the slider and subscribe to the feed!


After successfully completing the subscription process, you will find all the articles or recent things of that particular feed on your “Raven” page!

Note: here we have used feed as “medium” articles, but you can subscribe to anything you want related to news/entertainment, etc...

Thanks for reading, hope it's helpful!

