Suchitra Giri
3 min readApr 19, 2022


Photo by Tamara Gak on Unsplash

Make a company wiki with Documize Community

You will need

Download the desktop app from here, while downloading make sure to choose the correct .exe file according to your operating system specifications. For example, it will differ from mac, windows, and Linux.

After downloading it, do the installation part, add some details about the company, or signup with credentials.

Step By Step

Step 1: Open the app and sign up by filling in the following detail

If you are a first-time user go with the sign-up option and fill in all the details, otherwise do sign in.

  • Workspace URL: Put any preferred name which you want to choose as a workspace URL.
  • Team Name: Provide your company’s name or team name (In our case, we will choose “Garden”)
  • First Name, Last name: Your Name
  • Email: Provide your email address
  • Password

Step 2: Now we are ready to start, the default interface will look like this.

Go to the “+” icon and provide the details which we want to make, in this case, we are going to build a company wiki.

So, in the name section, just provide the “Company Wiki” and in the description section provide the dummy contents. And also give two to three later in the code section. Then click on “Add”.

Step 3: Click on Company Wiki (Heading) and make some changes, adding more information.

Click on “Company Wiki” and then it will open the page where we can add more information about the company and workspaces like Objectives, Roadmaps, insights, etc. These sections are provided by default, but also we can add another one according to our preferences.

For example, if we want to add objects of the company, then just click on the “+” icon and add the details.

  1. Mention the objective
  2. Detailed description
  3. Choose color theme
  4. Add the objective


After adding the details, it will look like this.

Now we can add other sections or more details similarly.

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