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Create a personal wiki with Notabase

Suchitra Giri
3 min readFeb 7, 2022


You will need

In this, you don’t need any special skills or things to get started, just an email id for creating the account on the Natabase website.

Step By Step Guide

Step 1: Create an account on Notabase or sign in

The very 1st step in this guide is to go to notabase and sign up with your email id and password, then sign in to the website.

Step 2: Write your wikis

Start to create your notes, contents, anything you want to create, write down important things.

The default page will look like this

Here we can see by default we have three pre-created notes “Getting Started”, “Linked Note” “Page Stacking”. In the same, we can create our own notes.

Go left bottom of the page and “+” this icon and write your wiki or notes title name. In this guide, we use our wiki name as “Demo Wiki”

We can customize and organize our notes according to our requirements and need. For doing so, style the text, link other notes, add some code blocks, etc.

Just click the three dots, and it will show like the below snapshot.

  1. This is for text size and style text.
  2. Formatting the contents, whether it is bullets point, checklist and ordered list
  3. It is for code blocks.
  4. For quotation
  5. For adding some image
  1. From here we can sort our notes
  2. Download it locally.

Note: For more, watch this

Step 3: Know some basic features for write effective and managing your docs properly

It also provides a graph view of our notes and shows how one-note link to each other via linking in pictorial representation view.


View the notes on pages of the stack, which are linked to each other.

